Eliminate Toxic Metals From Your Body With Oral Chelation Therapy

Eliminate Toxic Metals From Your Body With Oral Chelation Therapy

Accumulation of toxic metals like lead, arsenic, mercury, and/or iron in our body can take place due to several reasons. This accumulation of metals in excessive quantities can restrict blood flow and cause serious repercussions in the human body. 

In standard medical practice, medications and therapies are used in specific treatments to release these toxins from the body. The most effective way to carry this out effectively is through Oral Chelation Therapy.

Chelation therapy is a proven medical procedure that involves removing heavy and toxic metals from the body. It involves the administration of drugs known as chelators into the human body through an intravenous (IV) drip. The chelators bind to the metal molecules in the bloodstream, filter through the kidneys, and leave the body through urine. 

Apart from being a standard treatment for distinct types of metal poisoning, it remains in use to cure various diseases, including autism, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s and diabetes to name a few. 

Benefits of Oral Chelation & Reducing Heavy Metals

Chelation therapy can be beneficial for our body if used the correct way. Below we’ve outlined some benefits of chelation therapy for your body to help you understand the treatment in a better way. Let’s get started. 

Increased Blood Circulation

Removal of toxic metals from our bloodstream leads to increased blood flow in the arteries.

Decreased Risk of Heart Problems

Chelation therapy can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in individuals who previously had a heart attack. Regimen, a chelation drug, is injected in cases of cardiovascular events- which also reduces the risk of future heart problems.   

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chelation therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis can help suppress inflammation by depressing the T-cell activity.

Reduced Risk of Diabetes

People with controlled diabetes can use this therapy to reduce the risk of diabetes.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s is a result of the build-up of proteins, beta-amyloid and tau around brain cells. Chelation therapy dissolves beta-amyloid, which may help in curing the disease. 

Enhanced Memory & Energy Levels

Removal of toxic metals and extra minerals from the body leads to enhanced memory. This also helps in increasing energy levels in the body.

Cardio Renew: Your One-stop-Solution for Oral Chelation Therapy

Oral Chelation Therapy serves as a substitute medication for chelation with IV tubes. While intravenous chelation is commonly used by individuals, oral chelation is a new approach that helps make a patient’s condition better. 

Cardio Renew Canada is a prominent health and wellness company offering a better alternative for intravenous chelation. With our EDTA oral chelation therapy, you do not have to worry about taking the drip route. We take immense pride in extending the best products for oral chelation therapy in Canada. Our 6-week program dispenses a comprehensive and effective oral chelation therapy to intensely cleanse your veins and arteries. After completing this program, you may purchase the package which is intended for maintenance. Contact us today for more information!

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