Diet and Exercise

Two important components of a successful chelation program are diet and exercise. These elements are often over looked or not taken seriously enough during or after the chelation process. A balanced chelation diet and moderate exercise will increase the effectiveness of the chelation process and aid even more with the effectiveness of an improved circulatory system. By removing the unwanted build up metals and minerals in your body, the circulatory system becomes rejuvenated, it is also very important to maintain a healthy circulatory system to prevent future damage or relapse.

Chelation Diet

Fats there are ‘good fats’ and there are ‘bad fats’. The goal in controlling fat intake during or after chelation is reducing your total fat intake to 20% of you total daily caloric intake. Having the majority of this percentage in ‘good’ fat, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, forms is ideal, an example is to substitute an olive oil for other cooking fats. Avoiding fat on red and white meats and eliminating the skins on poultry is also a good way to cut out saturated ‘bad’ fats from your diet. Incorporating fish, lean red meats and skinless white meats is always a good choice for a healthy chelation diet. Fats are essential to a healthy chelation diet, in moderation, and when in the ‘good’ forms.

Sugars and Carbohydrates should be incorporated into the chelation diet in un-refined forms, this means substituting white rice, bread and pastas with brown rice and whole grain pastas and breads. The whole grain forms of carbohydrates are great sources of fiber which has been known to help lower cholesterol levels in the intestines. Whole grain forms of foods are also great sources of vitamins and minerals. These essential nutrients are mostly removed in the refined sources of carbohydrates. Vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts are great sources of complex carbohydrates and should be eaten with whole grain breads, rice and pasta, these two groups of carbohydrates should comprise of about 2/3 of the food you eat.

Some examples of good chelation diet foods that are high in fiber (cholesterol-lowering), are broccoli, cabbage, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, apples, prunes, lentils, celery, carrots, potatoes, bean-sprouts and green beans.

Protein and Eggs are usually considered to contain high amounts of fat or cholesterol. When consumed moderately and in the right form they can be of little danger in elevating the levels of bad’ cholesterol. Eggs eaten in moderation, 3-4 eggs per week, is considered to be of no danger to most of us. Protein should be obtained through fish and skinless poultry. In non-animal forms it should be consumed by unsalted nuts, grains and beans. Ideally the vegetable forms of protein are the best for the heart, and the animal forms should be eaten in moderation.

Salt is one area that chelation participants should avoid or drastically reduce their intake on during a chelation diet, and in normal diet plans. Cardio Renew is a sodium based supplement and excessive salt intake in accordance to the program can increase blood pressure dramatically. Limit salt intake and avoid the additional use of table salt at the dinner table.

Alcohol and Coffee intake should be limited as part of the chelation diet. Drink alcohol in moderation. Having 1-2 glasses of red wine or 1 pint of beer a day has been known to improve cardiovascular functions, on the other hand alcohol has been proven to have negative effects on the liver. Excessive amounts of alcohol can be detrimental to the health. Coffee is best when drank in extreme moderation. Coffee’s high levels of caffeine have been known to raise cholesterol levels.

Exercise during Chelation Therapy and after!

Exercise is a major part of a healthy lifestyle, and is something that should be a part of a daily routine. Aerobic exercise is something that should be a part of a healthy daily routine. Whether it is gardening, yard work, walking or cleaning, elevating your heart rate for over 20 minutes a day is good start for increasing your aerobic exercise capacity. By elevating your heart rate and using your muscles for a continuous 20 minutes each day, you are making your body more efficient in the way it burns calories and increases oxygen to those muscles used and throughout the body. This in turn benefits the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Exercise is also considered to be a natural source of chelation therapy. Muscles produce lactic acid, which circulates throughout the body chelating metals and other unwanted substances during exercise.

It is always best to consult with your own Doctor about starting a diet or exercise program for proper safety guidelines.
